
Takiwasi Ikaros

Therapeutic song learned by “curanderos” (amazonic healers), during dreams or ayahuasca sessions

In the jungle of Peru we call "ikaro" the song or melody used by healers during ritual work. The action of "ikarar" involves "charging" with the power of the healer a certain vehicle, which can be an object or a potion, transmitting to it some specific property, whether its cleansing, protection, healing, eliminating damage and strengthening will, so that this later is passed to the receiver. This is done by singing the ikaro directly on the vehicle. This will then be sent to the interested party through the ingested substance (in case of potions) or through blows (exhalations) with tobacco smoke, bark of wild cinnamon or certain perfumes.

The ikaros are essential elements of the Traditional Amazonian Medicine and constitute a source of cultural resistance by preserving both linguistic elements and knowledge related to Amazonian world-view and medicinal resources, which go back in time to the original cultures. They are the essential means of transmitting wisdom and healing practices. This concept led us to call our center "Takiwasi" that in Quechua means "the house that sings" or "the house of song", to honor this tradition.

You can find more information about the ikaros in this interesting article written by Dr. Rosa Giove: The Icaro or Shamanic Song, and in the following conference (in Spanish): The Ikaro or Healing Song.

Below you can find the ikaros produced by healers and members of the therapeutic team of Takiwasi, which are also available for sale in cds in our boutique. Through this platform you can have access to a previous listening of each of the ikaros contained in a cd.

With the purchase of ikaros and the other publications for sale, you are contributing to the residential treatment of patients that have limited economic resources.

Here you can find some instructions to help you through the purchase process.

For more information please write to:

Takiwasi’s Books

In this section you can find some publications of the Takiwasi Center available for sale in digital format.

Here some instructions to help you through the purchase process.

Those persons interested in receiving the hard copy of the books presented in this page, they can contact us to know cost and method of shipment: o


Miguel Palomino puts up for sale beautiful professional photographs taken during his last visit in Takiwasi and in the Cordillera Escalera regional conservation area, on the outskirts of Tarapoto. The pictures are part of the artistic project "Takiwasi / la Casa que Canta". The income generated from the sale of these photos is entirely destined to support Takiwasi in his therapeutic activities of treatment and rehabilitation of people suffering from addiction.

For further information please contact Miguel Palomino:

Online Courses

This set of online courses is open to anyone interested in alternative and natural medicine and especially to health professionals, cross-cultural experts, educators, therapists and others linked to the work of rehabilitation, study of addictions and modified states consciousness, as well as the use of psychoactive substances. All the courses are in Spanish.


For more information you can write at:

Ikaros Jaime Torres - 30 años


Ikaros en vivo - Rosa Giove


Hermanos de Melodías - CD 1


Hermanos de Melodías - CD 2


Ikaros Edgardo Tuanama


Ikaros Takiwasi 30 años


Canta la Ayahuasca


Ikaros Fabienne Bâcle


Ikaros Rosa Giove


Ikaros Jaime Torres


Ikaros Jacques Mabit CD 1


Ikaros Jacques Mabit CD 2


Ikaros Takiwasi


Ikaros Takiwasi grabados en vivo






Calligraphic arts

Franz Ablitzer puts up for sale calligraphic arts made by hand in unique copies. The income generated from the sale of these arts is destined to support Takiwasi in his therapeutic activities of treatment and rehabilitation of people suffering from addiction.

For further information, please write an e-mail to:

Contact Form
