Participant experiences of icaros during an ayahuasca ceremony at Takiwasi
The Treatise on Human Freedom
The armor worn by veterans: A journey of strength, struggle, and healing
The documentation available in the following list is a compilation of material produced by the TAKIWASI Center during its years of research.
Author : Anonymous
Published on the Takiwasi website, May 2022.
ExcerptAuthor : Michael Heinrich, Francesca Scotti, Adolfo Andrade-Cetto, Mónica Berger-Gonzalez, Javier Echeverria, Fabio Friso, Felipe Garcia-Cardona, Alan Hesketh, Martin Hitziger, Caroline Maake, Matteo Politi, Rita Spadafora, and Carmenza Spadafora
Published in Frontiers in Pharmacology, doi: 10.3389/fphar.2020.00765, May 2020.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Article published in Takiwasi Magazine, No. 2, pp. 57-78, Takiwasi Ed., Tarapoto, Peru, 1993, revised in May 2024.
ExcerptAuthor : Fabio Friso, Gary Saucedo, Josué Villanueva, Matteo Politi
Published in Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, August 2021.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
English translation of excerpts from the article « Ayahuasca, addictions et états modifiés de conscience », Dr. Jacques Mabit, 2007, pp. 8-12.
ExcerptAuthor : Swiatoslaw Wojtkowiak
These testimonies have been collected by Swiatoslaw Wojtkowiak in June 2017 and published on his blog with the authorization of the people involved.
ExcerptAuthor : Uriel López
Article published in the web page of Takiwasi, july 2020.
ExcerptAuthor : Matteo Politi, Fabio Friso
Published in Horticulture International Journal, Volume 2 Issue 3, pp. 69‒71, May 2018.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Article published in French on two occasions. For the first time in the SYNODIE magazine published by the Groups of Investigation and Studies in Transpersonal Therapies (GRETT) and on a second occasion in the magazine “Nouvelles Clés” (December 2005). Translated to English by Valeria Paz Villegas, November 2017
ExcerptAuthor : David Manuel-Navarrete, Serena DeLuca, Fabio Friso, Matteo Politi
Published in Ecosystems and People Volume 20, Issue 1, April 2024.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Originally published in French by the “Institut Français d’Etudes Andines” – Lima, Perú, 1988. Translated to English by Kenreth A. Symington.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Translate from French by Kenneth A. Symington. English version published by Takiwasi Center in its Website. Original publication information is as follows : MABIT Jacques, "L'ayahuasca au secour des drogués", in: Revue Nouvelles Clés, Nº2, été 1994, pp.45-47, France.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Published in the book “Psychedelic Medicine (Vol. 2). Hallucinogens and Health: New Evidence for Psychedelic Substances as Treatment” Apud Micheal J. Winkelman & Thomas B. Roberts, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2007, pp.85-107.
ExcerptAuthor : Matteo Politi
Published on Kaphi - The Ayahuasca Hub, July 27, 2019.
ExcerptAuthor : Veronika Kavenská, Hana Simonová
J Psychoactive Drugs, Volume 47 (Issue 5), 351-9, Nov-Dec 2015.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Inaugural Conference for the 25th Anniversary of the Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness, April 15, 2005, University of Massachusetts, USA. Translated in December 2011, to English from Spanish by Abby Corbett.
ExcerptAuthor : Rosa Giove
Published in Spanish in the magazine Pueblo Continente Vol 23, N°1, p. 82-85, 2012. English translation: Fabio Friso.
ExcerptAuthor : Hernán Dinamarca
Interview published in April 2018 in Spanish on two occasions: in Le Monde Diplomatique (Chilean edition) and in Sitiocero. Translated to English by Jonathan Rodriguez.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Extract from the expert witness report made for the Manto Wasi case and orally presented to the Court in Santiago de Chile, 2012 Translated from the Spanish by Kenneth A. Symington.
ExcerptAuthor : Alex K. Gearin, Luis E. Luna, Fernando Mendive, Marco Leonti, Claudio Ferrante, Luigi Menghini and Matteo Politi
Editorial published in Frontiers in Pharmacology, 03 December 2021.
ExcerptAuthor : Matteo Politi, Giorgia Tresca, Luigi Menghini, Claudio Ferrante
Published in Planta Medica, November 18, 2021. Doi: 10.1055/a-1675-3840.
ExcerptAuthor : Fabio Friso, Matteo Politi
Published in Horticulture International Journal 3(2):41-44, March 2019.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Published by the “Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies” (MAPS), Vol XII, Nº2, summer 2002, pp. 25-32, Sarasota, USA. Translated from French by Kartina Amin.
ExcerptAuthor : Ricardo Chirinos Portocarrero
Interview with Dr. Jacques Mabit. Originally published in Spanish in Unay Runa nº9, Revista de Ciencias Sociales, Yachay, saberes andino-amazónicos, Lima, 2018, pp. 187-213. English translation: Fabio Friso.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Article published in French: Mabit, J. (2018). Coca et Ayahuasca, une même destinée? Revista Cultura y Droga, 23 (25), 15-32. DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2018.23.25.2. Lecture delivered at the “World Ayahuasca Conference”, Río Branco, Brazil, October 2016. Translated from to English by Mandeep Boro.
ExcerptAuthor : Ilana Berlowitz, Christian Ghasarian, Heinrich Walt, Fernando Mendive, Vanessa Alvarado, Chantal Martin-Soelch
Published in Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, ahead of print, Epub Dec 18, 2017
ExcerptAuthor : Fabio Friso, Jacques Mabit
Published on the Takiwasi website, December 2021.
ExcerptAuthor : Matteo Politi
Article published online on Kahpi - The Ayahuasca Blog, March 31, 2020.
ExcerptAuthor : Miroslav Horák, Jaime Torres
Published in the “Journal of Research on Contemporary Society”, 2014. v. 1, no. 1, p. 21--27.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Published in the web page of Takiwasi, may 2021.
ExcerptAuthor : Matteo Politi, Nahuel Simonet, Eric Kube, Tereza Rumlerová, Edilberto Chuquilín Bustamante, Gary Saucedo Rojas, Fabio Friso, Gokhan Zengin, Luigi Menghini, Claudio Ferrante
Published in Natural Resources for Human Health, 3(2), 248-258, February 2023.
ExcerptAuthor : Giorgia Tresca, Olivia Marcus, Matteo Politi
Article published in Anthropology & Medicine, January 21, 2020.
ExcerptAuthor : Owain Graham, Gary Saucedo, Matteo Politi
Published in Anthropology of Consciousness, 2022, Vol. 34, Issue 1, pp. 35-67.
ExcerptAuthor : Father Cristian Alejandría Ágreda
Conference presented in the Congress “Medicinas Tradicionales, Interculturalidad y Salud Mental”, Tarapoto, 2009 and published in the memory book. Original title “Fe y Ayahuasca (Cómo hablar de mi fe en Dios desde mi experiencia con las plantas)”. Translated in July 2017 from Spanish to English by Valeria Paz Villegas.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Conference presented at the VII Forum of the Inter-American Council on Indigenous Spirituality (CISEI), held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2012. Published in Spanish in the book “Foros Internacionales Espiritualidad Indígena y Mundo Occidental Perú 2015”, Apud Jacques Mabit & Ilana Berlowitz, Takiwasi Ed., Lima 2017, section 1, pp. 157-182. English Translation: Fabio Friso.
ExcerptAuthor : Rosa Giove
Article based on the lecture delivered at the VII Forum of the Inter-American Council on Indigenous Spirituality (CISEI), held in November 2012 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Published in Spanish in “Foros Internacionales Espiritualidad Indígena y Mundo Occidental Perú 2015”, Apud Jacques Mabit & Ilana Berlowitz, Takiwasi Ed., Lima 2017, section 1, pp. 183-190. English Translation: Fabio Friso.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Lecture delivered in French as part of the 2011-2012 series of lectures IdéesPsy, Series: Cries and whisperings of the soul, Paris, May 2, 2012. Translated to English by Fabio Friso.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit & Gabor Maté
Published in "The Ayahuasca Conversations, Encounters from the film The Jungle Prescription", compiled by Jeronimo M.M., Robín McKenna & Mark Ellam, Robot Jaguar Productions, Toronto, pp. 95-149, april 2017.
ExcerptAuthor : Matteo Politi
Article published on, September 27, 2018.
ExcerptAuthor : Fabio Friso, Fernando Mendive, Marco Soffiato, Valerio Bombardelli, Alan Hesketh, Michael Heinrich, Luigi Menghini, Matteo Politi
Published in Journal of Ethnopharmacology, available online 18 April 2020.
ExcerptAuthor : Frédérique Apffel-Marglin
April 2007 – InterCulture No. 152 - Identity and Religious Pluralism - pages 25-45.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Originally published in French on the web page of Takiwasi, 10 October 2021. Translation by Fabio Friso.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Interview with Jacques Mabit by journalist Álvaro R. de la Rubia, January 2021.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Article originally published in Spanish in the Takiwasi Magazine Nº 5, pp 63-77, Tarapoto, Perú, 1997
ExcerptAuthor : Matteo Politi, Gary Saucedo, Tereza Rumlerova, Olivia Marcus, Jaime Torres, Jacques Mabit
Published in Journal of Medicinal Herbs and Ethnomedicine 2019, vol. 5, pp. 23-28.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Published on Takiwasi website, February 2024.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Published on the Takiwasi website, September 2024.
ExcerptAuthor : Ghislaine Bourgogne
Lecture first presented in French with the title “Les cent jours de l’Ayahuasca” during the Congress “Medicinas Tradicionales, Interculturalidad y Salud Mental”, Tarapoto, Perú, 2009. English version published in the book “The Internationalization of Ayahuasca” Beatriz C. Labate and Henrik Jungaberle, eds. Zurich Switzerland, Lit Verlag, 2011, 446 pp.
ExcerptAuthor : Maya Sherwin, Fabio Friso, Jorg Fachner, Matteo Politi
Published in Journal of Psichedelic Studies, December 2024.
ExcerptAuthor : Tereza Rumlerová, Fabio Friso, Jaime Torres, Veronika Kavenská, Matteo Politi
Published in Anthropology of Consciousness, 27 October 2021.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Published on the Takiwasi website, July 2024.
ExcerptAuthor : Fabio Friso, Fernando Mendive, Marco Soffiato, Alan Hesketh, Valerio Bombardelli, Luigi Menghini, Matteo Politi
Published in PharmacologyOnLine Journal of SILAE - Società Italo-LatinoAmericana di Etnomedicina Cibo e Salute. Supplementary Issue - vol. 1, December 30, 2019 Abstract Book of the 28° SILAE Congress.
ExcerptAuthor : Matteo Politi, Giorgia Tresca, Marco Soffiato, Richer Garay Montes, Fernando Mendive
Journal of Medicinal Herbs and Ethnomedicine, Vol 5, 2019.
ExcerptAuthor : Cecile Giovannetti, Sara Garcia Arce, Brian Rush, Fernando Mendive
Published in Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 04 August 2020.
ExcerptAuthor : Matteo Politi, Fabio Friso, Jacques Mabit
Published in Revista Cultura y Droga, 23 (26), 99-126, Julio-Diciembre 2018. DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2018.23.26.7.
ExcerptAuthor : Matteo Politi, Fabio Friso, Jacques Mabit
Published in Revista Cultura y Droga, 24 (28), p. 19-42, Julio - Diciembre 2019.
ExcerptAuthor : Gonzalo Brito, Claire Sieber
Published in: Alan Drengson & Duncan Taylor (Editors), Wild Foresting: Practicing Nature's Wisdom, New Society Publishers, 2009, 307 p.
ExcerptAuthor : Brian Rush, Olivia Marcus, Sara Garcia, Anja Loizaga-Velder, Gabriel Loewinger, Ariane Spitalier and Fernando Mendive
Published in Frontiers in Pharmacology, May 19, 2021.
ExcerptAuthor : Svĕt Lustig Vijay, Magdalena Harris, Fabio Friso, Matteo Politi
Published in Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, June 2024.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit, José Campos, Julio Arce
Translated from Spanish. English version published by Takiwasi. Original publication information is as follows : MABIT Jacques, "Consideraciones acerca del brebaje ayahuasca y perspectivas terapéuticas", in: Revista Peruana de Neuro- Psiquiatría, Tomo LV, 2, pp. 118-131, Lima, Peru, june 1992.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Article originally published in French “Le Reiki ou l’arnaque spirituelle”, November 2016. Translated in August 2017, to English from Spanish by Ken Symington.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Article published in Takiwasi's web page, September 2010.
ExcerptAuthor : Matteo Politi, Luigi Menghini, Fabio Friso, Gary Saucedo, Jaime Torres, Jacques Mabit
Published in PharmacologyOnLine Journal of SILAE - Società Italo-LatinoAmericana di Etnomedicina Cibo e Salute. Supplementary Issue - vol. 1, December 30, 2019 Abstract Book of the 28° SILAE Congress.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit, Fabio Friso
Published on the web page of Takiwasi, september 2021.
ExcerptAuthor : Beatriz Caiuby Labate, Brian Anderson, Henrik Jungaberle
Published in the book “The Internationalization of Ayahuasca” Beatriz C. Labate and Henrik Jungaberle, eds. Zurich Switzerland, Lit Verlag, 2011, 446 pp.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Lecture for Addictions “2000+1”, Challenges and Opportunities for a new Millennium, ISAM’s International Scientific Conference, Israel, September 2001.
ExcerptAuthor : Rosa Giove
Article originally published in Spanish: Rituales de la vida, cotidianos y sagrados, Foros internacionales. Espiritualidad indígena y Mundo Occidental, Sección 1, pp. 39-45, Ed. Takiwasi, 2017. Translated to English by Jonathan Rodriguez, reviewed by Sasaba Zazopoulos.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Translated from Spanish to English by Mandeep Boro in November 2017, reviewed by Elena Salazar. Original title: “San Patrignano una visión angustiante de la sociedad del futuro”, 2014.
ExcerptAuthor : Ilana Berlowitz, Heinrich Walt, Christian Ghasarian, Fernando Mendive, Chantal Martin-Soelch
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Published online 01 May 2019.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit, Rosa Giove
In press by the Fundación Desde América, Buenos-Aires, Argentina.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Opening Conference of the 1st International Conference on Traditional Medicine. One Health – Traditional Medicine (OHTM), Traditional knowledge and practices in the face of current challenges in health, research and development and sustainability sciences, October 18-19-20, 2023, Cheikh Anta-Diop University, Dakar, Senegal. Published in French in “Knowledge, challenges, research and development of traditional medicines today”, edited by Jean-Yves Moisseron & Ouidad Tebbaa, Editions MA-ESKA 2025, pp. 21-40.
ExcerptAuthor : Alberto Dubbini, Marco Gallizioli, Fabio Friso, Jaime Torres, Jacques Mabit, Matteo Politi
Published in Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, December 19, 2019.
ExcerptAuthor : Michel Mabit
Published in the Newsletter of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit, Rosa Giove, Joaquín Vega
Published in “Yearbook of Cross-Cultural Medicine and Psychotherapy”, International Institute of Cross-Cultural Therapy Research (IIKT), pp. 257-285, VWB, Series Editor: Dr. Walter Andritzky, Berlin, Deutschland, 1996.
ExcerptAuthor : Jaime Torres
Article published in Spanish in the book "Memorias del Segundo Foro Internacional Sobre Espiritualidad Indígena" pp. 58-62 Tarapoto, 2001.
ExcerptAuthor : Rosa Giove
Article originally published in Spanish, Takiwasi Magazine Nº 2, Takiwasi, Perú, October 1993 pp. 7-27.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Translated from French by Kartina Amin. Original publication information is as follows: Mabit, Jacques. « L’alternative des savoirs autochtones au « tout ou rien » thérapeutique ». Psychotropes: Revue Internationale des Toxicomanies. Vol. 7, no. 1, 2001. pp. 7-18.
ExcerptAuthor : Arnaud Montagne
Published on the Takiwasi website, December 2024.
ExcerptAuthor : Rosa Giove
Published in Revista Cultura y Droga, 27(33): 17-41, June 2022.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Published on the Takiwasi website, September 2024.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Published in Mother’s Therapy, ed. Mathias De Lattre, 750Publisher: The Eriskay Connection, pp. 113-121, 2021.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit, Claire Sieber
Shaman’s Drum Journal, Number 73, pp.23-31, USA, 2006.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Published in the book “Contemporary Voices from Anima Mundi; A Reappraisal”, Frédérique Apffel-Marglin and Stefano Varese eds, New York: Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers, pp. 113-154.
ExcerptAuthor : Michel Mabit
Published in the Newsletter of the MAPS Volume 6 Number 3 Summer 1996 English translation by Jamie Moir.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Originally published in Spanish. Prologue to the second edition of the book “Naturaleza Silvestre. Ceremonias de un chamán amazónico” by Ana María Pérez (2008).
ExcerptAuthor : Jaime Torres
Article published in Takiwasi’s web page. Translated from Spanish to English by Diogerlin Linares.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Prologue and epilogue of the Spanish version of the book “The Language of Creation: Cosmic Symbolism in Genesis: A Commentary”, author: Matthieu Pageau, 2018, 354p.
ExcerptAuthor : Ghislaine Bourgogne
Lecture presented at the International Congress "Traditional Medicines, Interculturality and Mental Health" and published in Spanish in the book of memoirs, Ed. Takiwasi, 2012, Tarapoto, Peru. Translated to English by Jonathan Rodriguez.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Conference presented at the workshop “Local Knowledge and Traditional Medicine”, VI International Book Fair, Cusco, Peru, September 2019.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Article originally published in « Les plantes hallucinogènes : Initiations, thérapies et quête de soi », Christian Ghasarian & Sébastien Baud, Ed. Imago, 2010, pp 267-286.
ExcerptAuthor : Alberto Dubbini, Jacques Mabit, Matteo Politi
Published in Revista Cultura y Droga, 25 (29), pp. 41-62, Enero - Junio 2020.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
First published in Spanish in 1998. “Memoria del II Foro Interamericano Sobre la Espiritualidad Indígena”. English Translation by Valeria Paz - April 2016.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit, Jesús González
Original article: “Hacia una medicina transcultural: Reflexiones y propuestas a partir de la experiencia en Takiwasi”, Published in Journal of Transpersonal Research, 2013, Vol.5(2), pages 49-76. Translated from Spanish by Fabio Friso, reviewed by Olivia Marcus.
ExcerptAuthor : Antoine Renard, Giorgia Tresca, Luigi Menghini, Rebecca Lazarou, Gary Saucedo, Fabio Friso, Matteo Politi
Published in Journal of Medicinal Herbs and Ethnomedicine, 8: 21-28, October 2022.
ExcerptAuthor : Veronika Kavenská
Published in A Reader in Ethnobotany and Phytotherapy, Miroslav Horak, Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies, Brno, 2015, p. 48-57.
ExcerptAuthor : Matteo Politi, Fabio Friso, Gary Saucedo, Jaime Torres
Published in Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 27 September 2020.
ExcerptAuthor : Victoria Defelippe, Anna Schlütter, Annelen Meriaan, Bjorn Winkens, Veronika Kavenská, Gary Saucedo Rojas, Matteo Politi
Therapeutic Communities: The International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, Vol. 40 No. 2, pp. 93-106, September 2019,
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Conference presented at Maps Psychedelic Science Conference, April 2013.
ExcerptAuthor : Tereza Rumlerová, Eric Kube, Nahuel Simonet, Fabio Friso, Matteo Politi
Published in Anthropology of Consciousness, September 2022.
ExcerptAuthor : Matteo Politi
Published by the International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service (ICEERS), june 2021.
ExcerptAuthor : Ilana Berlowitz, Heinrich Walt, Christian Ghasarian, David M. O’Shaughnessy, Jacques Mabit, Brian Rush, Chantal Martin-Soelch
Published in Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 81:4, pp. 416-425, August 2020.
ExcerptAuthor : Jacques Mabit
Conference first presented during the VII International Congress of Traditional and Folkorik Medicine, Mérida, Mexico, Dec.1993, later increased in 2014.