
25 April 2020

Drinking Ayahuasca Without DMT is Powerful and Traditional

Ayahuasca vine-only brews are not popular in ceremonies held for foreigners. But indigenous healers and an emerging science tell a different story. A new article by our scientific Matteo Politi published on Kahpi - The Ayahuasca Hub, March 31, 2020.

20 April 2020

Implementation of Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing in Peru: Implications for researchers

New article by Takiwasi’s research department published in Journal of Ethnopharmacology, available online 18 April 2020.

15 April 2020

The Mind of Plants – Ushpawasha Sanango

The Mind of Plants brings together a collection of short essays, narratives and poetry on plants and their interaction with humans. Authors from the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences write about their connection to a particular plant, reflecting upon their research on plant studies in a style accessible for a general audience. A contribution on Amazonian teacher plant Ushpwasha Sanango is offered by our scientific director Matteo Politi.

15 April 2020

Donate to Takiwasi

Due to the lockdown generated by the current global health crisis we are very concerned about the continuation of Takiwasi's activities. On our website you can find various ways to donate to Takiwasi. Each donation, even the smallest one, can make a difference.

24 March 2020

News from Takiwasi in the context of this global health crisis

In the middle of this global health crisis, many of you are asking us for news and it is not possible to respond to everyone personally. We wish to convey to you all our encouragement in the face of this shared adversity.