
22 July 2020

Canta la Ayahuasca - Healing Ikaros

Ikaros recorded live during an Ayahuasca ceremony held at the Takiwasi Center in 2020. It includes alternative versions of Takiwasi’s ikaros, sometimes sung in groups by two or more healers, while other are presented in extended versions, which follow the rhythm and intensity of the ceremony. It includes as well an unreleased ikaro traditionally used during ritual plant baths.

20 July 2020

Adopt an Ayahuasca

A big thank you to all the people who decided to join our project for the protection and conservation of Ayahuasca vine and other Amazonian teacher plants. Our goal now is for 50 new Ayahuasca seedlings to be sponsored and planted and thanks to your support we are halfway there! Join our conservation actions by adopting an Ayahuasca vine or another teacher plant.

30 June 2020

ALA2020 Congress - Symposium "The narcotization of the world"

Psychologist Uriel López will represent Takiwasi at the VI Congress of the Latin American Association of Anthropology that will be held online in November 2020. Uriel will participate with an oral presentation entitled "The positive dialogue between the Western and the Indigenous World regarding drug use as a consequence of existential emptiness and neoliberal carelessness”.

25 June 2020

Medicinal aromatic plants and ancestral knowledge for the empowerment of indigenous women

Through a BioTrade model developed in alliance with indigenous communities of the Kichwa-Lamistas and Awajún ethnic groups in the San Martin region, the Takiwasi Laboratory promotes the participation and socio-economic empowerment of women producers of medicinal plants. In this way, people and nature are benefited, combining the sustainable development of native communities and the regeneration and conservation of the forest and Amazonian biodiversity.

22 June 2020

Share your testimony about the “Reparation Ritual for Unborn Children”

Takiwasi's therapeutic team is preparing a new article on the “Reparation Ritual for Unborn Children” and its effects on the people who have participated in it. We invite all former patients, people who participated in retreats/diets and seminars and friends of Takiwasi to share their testimony about their personal experience with this ritual in order to enrich this research. You can send your testimony to Veronika Kavenská, therapeutic coordinator of Takiwasi, e-mail: