
09 October 2020

Jacques Mabit at the II Days of Dialogues between Medicines

Video of the lecture by Dr. Jacques Mabit "Mystical drunkenness or the reunion with Western roots", given during the II Day of Dialogues between Medicines focused on the spiritual approach to addictions, organized by the GASS association on September 26 in Barcelona, Spain.

08 October 2020

Dr. Manuel Almendro at the II Days of Dialogues between Medicines

Intervention by Dr. Manuel Almendro "Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual Model: the approach to the inconceivable and the pragmatic mystique" druing the II Days of Dialogues between Medicines "The spiritual approach to addictions", held on September 26.

08 October 2020

Spiritual illness from the perspective of a traditional Amazonian doctor

Lecture by Jordi Trainé at the II Days of Dialogues between Medicines "The spiritual approach to addictions", Barcelona, September 26, 2020.

30 September 2020

Scientific evidence on spirituality and health

Intervention by Dr. Harold G Koening, psychiatrist and researcher at Duke University, in the "II Symposium Dialogue between Medicines: the spiritual approach to addictions" that took place on September 26, in Barcelona, Spain, and was organized by the GASS association and the Takiwasi Center.

28 September 2020

New research article on the use of purgahuasca in Takiwasi

Traditional use of Banisteriopsis caapi alone and its application in a context of drug addiction therapy. Authors: Matteo Politi, Fabio Friso, Gary Saucedo, Jaime Torres. Published in Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 27 September 2020.