01 July 2021
What if Someone Tries to Patent Ayahuasca?
Advances in scientific research in recent decades have brought unprecedented attention to ayahuasca, the sacred plant brew of the Amazon. Researchers are confirming what the Indigenous people have been affirming for centuries: ayahuasca is an exceptional medicinal concoction, with diverse properties and potential therapeutic applications. Western society is looking to exploit this immense potential. Shamanic tourism has lived a couple of decades of boom and I recently learned of a patent application for ‘synthetic ayahuasca’ that has been pending for a number of years. Article by Matteo Politi published on the website of ICEERS.
30 June 2021
Amazonian plants to help the spirit
A documentary on Takiwasi is part of the series "Amazonia, evils and plants". Written and directed by Emilie Grange.
20 May 2021
New research article on Takiwasi
An article has just been published in the scientific journal Frontiers in Pharmacology that describes the study protocol developed for the innovative research project Ayahuasca Treatment Outcome Project (ATOP), with a special focus on the evaluation of addiction treatment services provided by the Takiwasi Center, ATOP's first study site.
18 May 2021
Online Course: Consistencies Between Christian Initiation and Amazonian initiation
Dear friends, we would like to invite you to enroll in the online course “Coherencias entre la iniciación cristiana y la iniciación amazónica” taught in Spanish by Dr. Jacques Mabit, executive president and founder of the Takiwasi Center.
10 May 2021
Diálogos: Mente de las Plantas
After the success of the first symposium, the editors of the book "The Mind of Plants" are proposing a new event, entitled "Diálogos: Mente de las Plantas" with presentations in Spanish and Portuguese, which will be held online with free access on 9 of July.