28 May 2020
Ayahuasca and beyond: herbal traditional Amazonian medicine for human therapy and planetary health
Matteo Politi participated at the third World Ayahuasca Conference with an oral presentation analyzing the dangers of trying to transform Ayahuasca into an evidence-based medicine that has to fit into laboratory standards.
04 May 2020
Professional pictures for sale to support Takiwasi
Miguel Palomino puts up for sale beautiful professional photographs taken during his last visit in Takiwasi and in the Cordillera Escalera regional conservation area, on the outskirts of Tarapoto. The pictures are part of the artistic project "Danza Verde". The income generated from the sale of these photos is entirely destined to support Takiwasi in his therapeutic activities of treatment and rehabilitation of people suffering from addiction.
30 April 2020
Including a donation to charity in your Last Will and Testament is an act of generosity through which, in addition to looking after your family and loved ones, you can choose to leave part of your inheritance to the Takiwasi Center and thus contribute to improving the lives of thousands of people, from those whose existence has been directly or indirectly affected by addictions, to the indigenous communities who are the guardians of the Peruvian Amazon.
27 April 2020
Call for proposals – Frontiers in Pharmacology
Our scientific director Matteo Politi is the leading topic editor of the recently launched call for proposals by Frontiers in Pharmacology on the topic: “Beyond the Pharmacology of Psychoactive Plant Medicines and Drugs: Pros and Cons of the Role of Rituals and Set and Setting”. Contributions are invited from a broad range of disciplines and fields of research.
25 April 2020
Drinking Ayahuasca Without DMT is Powerful and Traditional
Ayahuasca vine-only brews are not popular in ceremonies held for foreigners. But indigenous healers and an emerging science tell a different story. A new article by our scientific Matteo Politi published on Kahpi - The Ayahuasca Hub, March 31, 2020.