
01 March 2019

Traditional Amazonian medicine: an herbal knowledge in constant evolution

Conference by Matteo Politi, pharmaceutical chemist, naturopath and scientific director of the Takiwasi Center, to be held at the Museum of Natural History - University of Pisa, Italy, March 12 at 4:30pm. Presented by the association Amici di Georgofili - Pisa.

28 February 2019

The role of perfume in therapy

Antoine Renard is a French visual artist based in Berlin that over the last years has been focusing on intoxication and abnormal behaviors among teenagers and young adults. He is currently in Takiwasi collecting material for a research project on the use of perfume, scent and the role of olfaction in Amazonian traditional medicine, which includes “perfumeros”, healers who specialize in aromatherapy.

21 February 2019

Danza Verde

Photo report made by Miguel Palomino during his last visit to the Takiwasi Center, Tarapoto city, Peruvian High-Amazon.

20 February 2019

New research agreement

Takiwasi has signed a new collaboration agreement with the Integral Transpersonal Institute - School of training in transpersonal psychotherapy of Milan, Italy. Thanks to this agreement very soon a new research project will start in Takiwasi and psychologist Alessia Savino will be in charge of it.

07 February 2019

Retreat/Diet Testimonial

"In addition to a physical preparation there is a psychological preparation, to be open-hearted to accept what the plants have to show”. A new video testimonial from a participant in our retreats/diets.