28 September 2018
Healing and Knowledge with Amazonian Shamanic Diet
A new article on the traditional Amazonian medicine therapeutic practice known as Dieta. Written by Matteo Politi, scientific director of the Takiwasi Center, and published on Chacruna.net.
27 September 2018
Artículos inéditos – Jacques Mabit
Libros Enteogénicos, an independent publisher whose mission is to disseminate texts on traditional medicine, sacred plants, shamanism and related subjects, has published a handcrafted book that compiles some unpublished articles in Spanish by Jacques Mabit.
06 September 2018
Video of the last conference given by Dr. Jacques Mabit
Dear friends, we are glad to share with you the last conference given by Jacques Mabit in Paris, France, on June 6, 2018, entitled “Challenges of discernment between the psychic shadow and the spiritual shadow” as part of the cycle of conferences IDÉE PSY 2018 "From shamanism to psychotherapy: to the roots of care".
03 September 2018
The "cruzadera" negative interferences according to the concept of traditional medicine
Video of the lecture given by Fabienne Bâcle, member of the therapeutic team of the Takiwasi Center, at the international congress Beyond Psychedelics, Prague, Czech Republic, 21-24 June, 2018.
17 August 2018
The French Society of Ethnopharmacology is organizing the Symposium "Sacred Plants” in Metz, France, on Saturday, September 8, 2018, an event in which will participate the researcher Anne Denys, who has been conducting her research for several years with Takiwasi.