Hermanos de Melodías - CD 2

Autor: Alejo & Simon

Hermanos de Melodías is the meeting of Alejo Rodríguez and Simon Lagarrosse in Takiwasi. The two musicians, guitarists and singers join in a very strong friendship in life and especially in music, hence the name: “Brothers of Melodies”. All the songs presented here are ikaros (healing songs) that are sung during Ayahuasca ceremonies. They freely interpret for us, with their own musical arrangements, the ikaros that accompanied their therapeutic process for many months and have greatly contributed to their healing and spiritual journey. The purpose of these recordings is to pay tribute to traditional Amazonian medicine, the master plants, the healers and all the staff of the Takiwasi Center.

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Price 15 USD


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Album content

Through this platform you can have access to a previous listening of each of the ikaros contained in this album:

1-Oh Poderoso Señor (Sacha Domenech)
2-Les Tréfonds (Jacques Mabit)
3-Los Cielos (Sacha Domenech)
4-Le cœur sait bien tout ça (Jacques Mabit)
5-Danza Verde (Sacha Domenech)
6-Danos Señor (Sacha Domenech)
7-Canoíta (Sacha Domenech)
8-Ábrete Corazón (Rosa Giove)
9-Oh Señor Dios Eterno Y Bondadoso (Sacha Domenech)

Cuenta Bancaria
