Ikaros Edgardo Tuanama

Autor: Edgardo Tuanama

Edgardo Tuanama, native of the quechua-lamista indigenous community of Santa Cruz, district of San José de Sisa, Department of San Martin. Apprentice healer at the Takiwasi Center. He received a healer's inheritance from his great-grandfather, an indigenous healer. He then consolidated it in the community of Chazuta and exercised it since 2010 in the Takiwasi Center.

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Price 15 USD


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Album content

Through this platform you can have access to a previous listening of each of the ikaros contained in this album:

1-Vuela, vuela aguilita
2-Ayahuasca curandera
3-Ikaro de las plantas
4-Sachamanda ñuka cayamuyky
5-Ikaro a la Virgen de Santa Rosa
6-Ikaro canto a Pintuyacu
7-Ikaro Puyu Ukumbyna Shamun Jasuska

Cuenta Bancaria
