
Traditional Amazonian medicine: a new approach to healing through the floral elixirs of the master and medicinal plants of the Peruvian Amazon

Next June, the clinical psychologist and researcher on the integration of traditional Amazonian medicine and psychotherapy, Danae Saenz, former clinical coordinator of the Takiwasi Center, will give a lecture in Paris to present for the first time the results of the research she has been performing for more than 10 years on the psycho-emotional effects of the floral essences prepared on the basis of the master and medicinal plants used by the traditional healers of the Peruvian Amazon to heal the body, mind, heart and spirit.

This new therapeutic proposal has its origin in the ancestral knowledge of traditional Amazonian medicine. According to the indigenous world view, master plants possess a "spirit" or "mother", a sensitive being with conscience and intelligence, and that teaches us to restore and maintain balance in the relationship with ourselves, with other living beings and with the spiritual dimension of life.

The floral elixirs of these plants promote an introspective vision that allows us to establish contact with our deepest self through dreams, memories and intuitions that occur in a subtle way in everyday life. They help to highlight an important emotional content that can then become part of the conscience, heal old wounds and open the heart, be aware of the dysfunctional patterns of thought and behavior, use personal resources with prudence and, above all, remind us of the essence of our being to continue to evolve authentically in our path of life.

Biography of the speaker
Danae Saenz is a psychotherapist with humanistic and transpersonal orientation and a master's degree in clinical psychology. Formed in Ericksonian hypnosis, existential analysis, interpretation of dreams in the Jungian perspective, family constellations and floral therapy. Researcher on the integration between traditional Amazonian medicine and psychotherapy. She begins her career as a university professor in psychology and at the same time works as a psychotherapist in an office and in a psychiatric hospital. After some years of working in a conventional therapeutic environment, she feels the need to explore new territories of healing, more connected to the soul and spiritual development. This interest led her to carry out a personal work with the master plants in the context of the traditional medicine of the Peruvian Amazon. As a result of this initiatory learning, she was inspired to prepare remedies using the flowers of Amazonian medicinal plants and to carry out research on their effects, with the aim of developing a method of natural and effective care that allows access to these products on a daily basis to gain benefit from its therapeutic properties.

Date: Friday, June 14
Time: 19:30 - 21 hrs
Location: Forum 104 - Paris
Registration: Médecine traditionnelle amazonienne : une nouvelle approche de guérison
