
The Mind of Plants Symposium

The Mind of Plants brings together a collection of short essays, narratives and poetry on plants and their interaction with humans. Authors from the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences write about their connection to a particular plant, reflecting upon their research on plant studies in a style accessible for a general audience.

Our scientific director Matteo Politi offered a contribution on the Ushpwasha Sanango (Tabernaemontana undulata), a master plant used in traditional Amazonian plants diet that has the purpose to reconnect our memory with the heart and allow the remembrance of events of affective importance, such as child traumas, to be able to heal them.

An online symposium will be held on April 8, 2021, to bring together all the contributors of the Mind of Plants to share their reflections and various approaches to plants. Stories, poetry and sound across a diversity of human languages and geographical landscapes.

The symposium will be hosted in collaboration with Leah Barclay and Arts Front on a very exciting platform, which will also entail video streaming and photos of plants, faithful to the interspecies collaboration that was the hallmark of the project.

More information: The Mind of Plants Symposium
