Ábrete Corazón: an international hit
For more than two decades now the ikaro Ábrete Corazón has become an international hit and has been interpreted in multiple ways. The latest version that we have found out about is that of a Polish women musical group, which can be added to the many versions registered all over the world, in Argentina, France, the United States and even in India ...
We have compiled some of the most famous versions of this sacred song in a playlist available on our YouTube channel and we share again an interview with Dr. Rosa Giove from last year about the origin and purpose of this ikaro and the others songs that she has received through dreams and visions in master plant diets and ayahuasca ceremonies.
The covers of this ikaro differ from the original by the tonality in which they are sung and in some cases the lyrics have also been modified. This in some way makes the song move away from its healing power and makes it lose its sacrality. As Rosa affirms in the interview, the ikaro “Ábrete Corazón” has been transmitted directly from the spiritual world through plants, it is not an invention or an aesthetic creation.
Rosa has always given free permission to use her song to all the people who have requested it, so, despite the large number of views that some of these videos have on YouTube, there is no direct economic return for Takiwasi, it should be emphasized. The only direct way to support Takiwasi is by buying our ikaros productions, which precisely aim to maintain the integrity of the ikaro in its dissemination and allow us to raise a little money to help the Center, which does not receive any subsidy from the State, to subsist in its mission to help people to get out of their addiction problem.