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A distressing vision of the society of the future

A documentary series exposing the lights and shadows of San Patrignano, the largest drug rehabilitation community in Europe, is giving a lot to talk about.

It seems to us a good opportunity to retake an article written in 2014 by Dr. Jacques Mabit, in which he wanted to share the strangeness and concern related to the environment that, during a brief stay, was discovered in this famous Therapeutic Community presented as a model for the future. The reflections raised and the questions that emerge regarding the vision of the future of humanity seem to have been somewhat premonitory. Reflecting on this futuristic prototype of the society of tomorrow seems to be more current and necessary than ever in the light of this last year 2020 in which a large part of humanity found itself obliged to live in a situation of forced confinement.

In May 2014, Dr. Jacques Mabit and Dr. Rosa Giove were invited to visit the community of San Patrignano and give a lecture, entitled "Ayahuasca and Traditional Amazonian Medicines in the Treatment of Addictions" (with English subtitles), as part of the activities of the LH Forum on Positive Economy.

Read the article
Watch the conference

Ábrete Corazón: an international hit

For more than two decades now the ikaro Ábrete Corazón has become an international hit and has been interpreted in multiple ways. The latest version that we have found out about is that of a Polish women musical group, which can be added to the many versions registered all over the world, in Argentina, France, the United States and even in India ...

We have compiled some of the most famous versions of this sacred song in a playlist available on our YouTube channel and we share again an interview with Dr. Rosa Giove from last year about the origin and purpose of this ikaro and the others songs that she has received through dreams and visions in master plant diets and ayahuasca ceremonies.

The covers of this ikaro differ from the original by the tonality in which they are sung and in some cases the lyrics have also been modified. This in some way makes the song move away from its healing power and makes it lose its sacrality. As Rosa affirms in the interview, the ikaro “Ábrete Corazón” has been transmitted directly from the spiritual world through plants, it is not an invention or an aesthetic creation.

Rosa has always given free permission to use her song to all the people who have requested it, so, despite the large number of views that some of these videos have on YouTube, there is no direct economic return for Takiwasi, it should be emphasized. The only direct way to support Takiwasi is by buying our ikaros productions, which precisely aim to maintain the integrity of the ikaro in its dissemination and allow us to raise a little money to help the Center, which does not receive any subsidy from the State, to subsist in its mission to help people to get out of their addiction problem.

Watch the interview

Retreat/Diets at Takiwasi 2021

The dates of our Retreats/Diets for 2021 are  available online:

• 17 - 27 February
• 14 - 24 April
• 12 - 22 May
• 16 - 26 June 
See all the dates

The Retreat/Diet (commonly referred to as "dieta" in traditional medicine), is the deepest therapeutic practice of traditional Amazonian medicine. It consists of a 8-days retreat in isolation, in a very simple hut in the jungle, with the ritualized ingestion of the so-called "master plants", accompanied by a special diet and strict physical and psychological norms.

This process allows to expand perception, re-connect with repressed emotions, cleanse and strengthen the body, and connect with the holy dimension. It favors dream production, remembrance of past situations and experiences that weren’t well-processed and deep introspection.

For more information and to start the registration process please write to:

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UNCTAD updates principles to promote
biodiversity-friendly trade

The Laboratory for natural products of Takiwasi and an indigenous producers’ organization Ampik Sacha implemented a business model based on traditional knowledge associated with medicinal plants in the region of San Martín, benefiting both people and nature.

This scheme, which is in line with principles on fair and equitable benefit-sharing, improves the indigenous population’s living conditions, preserves old traditions and promotes the sustainable use of forest resources.

Read the full press release from UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.

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Ikaros Takiwasi

Ikaros are essential elements of Traditional Amazonian Medicine and constitute a source of cultural resistance by preserving both linguistic elements and knowledge related to Amazonian world-view and medicinal resources, which go back in time to the original cultures. They are the essential means to transmit wisdom and healing practices. This concept led us to call our center "Takiwasi" that in Quechua means "the house that sings" or "the house of song", to honor this tradition.

On our website we offer for sale the ikaros sung by the healers of Takiwasi which include a new production recorded live during an ayahuasca ceremony held at the Takiwasi Center a few months ago, with also an ikaro traditionally sung during plant baths!

The income generated from the sale of these products is destined to support the treatment and rehabilitation of people with limited economic resources who suffer from drug addiction.

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How You Can Help Us

If you wish to support the activities of the Takiwasi Center, there are several ways to do it.

You can choose to give your contribution to the protection and conservation of Amazonian teacher plants through the Project Adopt an Ayahuasca, by adopting an Ayahuasca vine or another teacher plant.

Other ways to support us are by contributing to cover for the cost of the treatment and rehabilitation of our drug addict patients with limited economic resources or to support other social projects such as the CIANAH orphanage for indigenous children located in the remote native community of Yutupis.

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Takiwasi Center
Prolongación Alerta 466, Tarapoto, Peru
Tel: +51 (0)42 522818 / +51 (0)42 525479


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