Christmas, the day of those who are nobodies
Human beings fear God so much that He chose to come in the guise of a harmless child: who would fear a newborn? Herod was certainly afraid of the potential king who could eclipse him, but so are our contemporaries, repeating his horrible gesture, but more cautious, not waiting for the child to be born to “let him go” after having invited him into existence. It could also affect their life plans.
Is God secret to us because He plays hide-and-seek or because we do not see what is too simple, too obvious, too revealed? We need screens, high-sounding titles, scientific or theological references, scholarly treatises, the trumpets of the knights of the Apocalypse…
In this incessant succession of devastating revelations, scandals of all kinds swept away by others the next day, plots revealed, secret groups of influence finally discovered, the humility of God goes unnoticed. It is too basic and not sophisticated enough for our complex intelligences. Too much fixity, stability and immutability for our fickle minds caught up in a thousand requests.
I was thinking of the snake that seems to see its prey through contrasting movements. If the prey remains motionless, it no longer sees it. God has this immobility, always the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, and so he disappears from our sight in search of permanent movement.
The Buddhist monk I met in Thailand, in his vision of a compassionate Buddhism, welcomed drug addicts. He appeared to me in a dream to tell me: “Remember this: it is goodness that builds the world.” While the forces of destruction make a deafening noise, goodness spreads silently, secretly, day by day, naturally and authentically, and it is this goodness that maintains life, transmits it and keeps the world standing.
Every day, thousands of people make thousands of discreet, unnoticed gestures of love and affection, of courage and generosity, which sustain life. They will not receive recognition, congratulations, medals or titles in the newspapers. Everything is free, requires nothing in return and escapes the law of the market, which has no power over this capital of life. This victory of everyday life justifies all existence and grants it its dignity.
In the face of suffering, trials, deadly pressures and threats, this defense of life can sometimes take on heroic dimensions.
Pregnant women take in their children in difficult conditions when everything seems to conspire to force them to resort to abortion.
Spouses watch over those who are sick, dependent or suffer from cognitive loss with care and patience, day and night.
The very elderly continue to smile without complaint despite their great age, edifying all those who care for them.
Depressed people, who have lost the will to live, resist suicidal thoughts with great courage.
Surviving babies, whether very premature or disabled, build up those who care for them with their will to live.
Seriously ill people give meaning to their lives by going through this ordeal with courage and dignity, expressing affection and gratitude.
Parents of a disabled child tirelessly dedicate themselves to them, so that they have the best possible quality of life.
Therapists firmly refuse to participate in acts that harm human life despite the pressures.
Couples suffering from infertility renounce artificial procreation techniques, in the name of respect for life.
Disabled people courageously demonstrate their joy of living and show those around them that life is worth living.
Volunteers committed to sick, elderly, dependent, imprisoned or end-of-life people delight them with their faithful visits and presence.
Political leaders dare to publicly and courageously challenge attacks on life.
All of them humanize our society. And every time it is Christmas in our hearts, God is born, the emergence of the great Light that the humble shepherds were able to see and that brings joy to all men of good will.
Jacques, Christmas 2024.